
I'm Back

Sorry it took so long. I picked up Catching Fire and made it just a couple of chapters in before I had to put it down. Not because I wasn't liking it, but because I just couldn't get the book I was in the process of reading when I opted to put it down in favor of Catching Fire out of my mind. You see, it was making me swoon and I was very much enjoying that--plus I put it down at a pretty crucial point in the book and I wanted to find out what happened. (That book, by the way, is called Heir to Sevenwaters and while I didn't care at all for the ending I quite liked the swooning)

Anyway, I eventually did get back to Catching Fire and was entirely blown away (and really once I got through a couple more chapters you couldn't even pry this book from my hands). I want to say more but I fear that if I do I'll give something away and that would be unforgivable. What I will say is you must read this book (start with Hunger Games of course). It was such a fantastic, wonderful, good read. And then let's talk.


Amanda said...

I liked Catching Fire better than The Hunger Games I think.

I've been reading a lot of fantasy type books lately, which is interesting for me. (Marie noted that one day when I was reeling off my recently-read list...I usually stick to realistic (YA) fiction.) I'm in the middle of the last book of Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series, though I've been reading some British Chick Lit in between. Have you read anything by Hester Browne? She is my new favorite, along with Katie Fforde.

I'll have to look through your Goodreads list and see what else you've been reading lately that I can add to my list - once my to-read list dwindles!

Stacia said...

I read this yesterday and finished in the wee hours today. I wish the library could cue things up a little better, like Netflix, so we didn't have so many things arrive on the hold shelf at the same time. I think that's 3 books for me in about 10 days. It hurts when you have that many and can't renew any.

It really doesn't please my body when I stay up all night like that and my children get the brunt of my fatigue-induced bad humor. The last chapter was a bewildering fluctuation between whether someone should live/die/be killed. But it is a great read!

susette said...

I've read Hunger Games and am now about two chapters into Catching Fire. What great reading material this has been, much more exciting than Jane Eyre for sure!! (Which took me months and months to read vs. only days with these books)

Science Teacher Mommy said...

I've got to get the last one. I actually don't have a library card--yes, pathetic, it costs money here because we are in the county--anyway, I think nobody can write the swoon like Murrillier.

As for what you wrote about not liking the ending, I also read her series that starts with "The Dark Mirror" and just about screamed out loud at the mean mess she she put her characters in. And yet, I think the characters behaved exactly as the should have. I had a writing experience once like that--I did something to my main character that I didn't want to happen, but it HAD to happen. Plantboy looked at me and said, "What do you mean? You wrote the book, you can make anything happen!" If only it were that simple. . .

At the risk of sounding completely crazy, I'll quit now.

Courtney said...

Science Teacher Mommy--you made my heart stop when you said you don't have a library card. I feel, though, that I can forgive you since they cost.

With that last Murrillier I liked how everything turned out I just thought she did it way too quickly and cheesily--there was no swooning at the end.

Courtney said...

Stacia--a library version of Netflix would be awesome, but I do like playing the game and trying to work it out myself.