
5 Things to do Before Going to Girl's Camp

Yes it is that time again. Time for Girl's Camp. Admittedly not my favorite time of year or my favorite part of serving in the Young Women organization. That said, this year I am going for 2 whole nights. Last year I only went for 1 day. I don't know if this is an improvement, but it is something. Now, in something of an attempt to get myself ready (in a mental sort of way) I have come up with a list of 5 things to do before I head out into the mountains.

5. Get a haircut (a ridiculous attempt to pretend that I am going somewhere fabulous with some fabulous new hair) and maybe a color.

4. Buy cute fabric and have mom teach me how to sew a bandanna (cause the dollar store bandannas are atrocious but I refuse to spend real money on a bandanna).

3. Buy lots of candy to get self through the 2 whole nights of camping I have volunteered myself for.

2. Paint fingernails red (a ridiculous attempt to pretend that I am going somewhere fabulous but also the chosen color theme for camp this year).

1. Get a new attitude (although, I do not feel any need to work on this until Thursday and possibly not until I actually am seen by any of the girls).

Your thoughts, prayers, and advice would be much appreciated--and please don't judge me, I just am not a camper (or a crafter--I believe there are 4 crafts planned!).

1 comment:

susette said...

Yay for girl's camp!! I already went this year, way back at the beginning of June. That seemed so long ago. I'm so proud of you for going longer. You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it. Just keep reminding yourself that :) Tell everyone hello from Sister Fisher and that I miss them and send my love.