Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears
I discovered chocolate covered cinnamon bears yesterday and am in heaven. It may be a little premature but I think I'm ready to declare them my new favorite food. Now I just need to find a place within 5 miles of me that sells them--or maybe that is not such a good idea.
Note to those 7 individuals who have asked me to drive them to the airport over the next several weeks: 1 bag of chocolate covered cinnamon bears would just about cover my fee;)
Picture here.
I love these. I used to be completely unable to leave the grocery store without a bag of them. I've since curbed the habit a bit.
Good to know. Now where do I find them?
I was introduced to them at Women's Conference. They sell them in the bookstore. Or our grocery store has them in their bulk section. It's worth a check! They are SO good and I really don't even care for cinnamon bears that much.
Oh, if I had known you had never had them I would have introduced you to them! They are truly the best. I know that the candy store in University Mall right next to Deseret Book and across from The Children's Place (I can't remember the name of the place off the top of my head) has them-I often get them in place of lunch!
Seven seperate individuals? Popular girl.
As for the bears, well, I can take or leave them. (I love them plain.) My sister, on the other hand, eats them by the handful during pregnancy.
I feel a bit like I'm performing an autopsy when I eat them. Or a murder.
I love chocolate cover gummies too! YUM!
Macey's has them! Now I have to figure out a way to stay away.
STM--Now when I eat one I think about autopsies. Thanks! It hasn't stopped me though.
I will not acquiesce in on it. I think warm-hearted post. Expressly the appellation attracted me to study the unscathed story.
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