
Fantasy Be Gone

Okay, so it is possible that I may just be a little bit obsessed with Jordan and Gabrielle's blogs chronicling their separate but equally wonderful adventures living abroad in France for the next year. It is possible that I occasionally get lost in day dreams about what my sweet little Paris flat would look like if I followed them over there. And yes it is possible that I get lost thinking about how cute my kids (yes in my day dreams I have kids--3 perfect ones--and a wonderful husband who speaks flawless French) would be in their school uniforms speaking French. But really folks it is time to get back to my reality...at least it will be right after you watch this cute video that has me checking out the french language options at my local library:

spotted at Design Mom


Janel said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Ne jamais arreter de rever!

Me gusta!
J'aime le film...

Janssen said...

I've been dying over their posts too. . . what an ADVENTURE.

Stacia said...

le ponytail.