
Sweetheart Knit Valentine

Okay, so by now you are probably wondering who I am and what I have done with Courtney. Well, my friends it truly is me. I've just been bitten by the blogging bug this week. Actually, I've been rather stressed out by stuff lately and decided that the best way of dealing with that is to not stop doing all the things that I love just because they are time consuming. Rather, in an attempt to stay somewhat mentally healthy, I have decided that I absolutely must make some of the good things in life an absolute priority. That means that I'm blogging and reading again and while the stress is still there, I feel so much better about everything. I really must try to remember this little lesson.

Anyway, on to a Valentine from Flax and Twine. How absolutely adorable is this:

I am now being faced with that age old question: to knit or to read?

Tutorial Here.

Spotted on Design Mom
Image via Flax and Twine

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