
Do Re Mi

If you've been reading my blog for awhile you know how much I love those videos that show hundreds of people freezing in Central Station New York or performing a musical in a mall food court. Most of these seem to have been done by a group called ImprovEverywhere, but I've got a new one for you only this one seems to have been done by a different group in Europe.


Unknown said...

Don't you wish life was like that? You could just jump in and start dancing and feeling happy with whomever? LOVE.it.

Rachel said...

Oh my heck! I loved that!!! So cool. I wish I were there. If you ever want to start dancing in the mall.. give me a call.

Science Teacher Mommy said...

Yes! A friend posted this on her FB page and I guessed it was that group. I wish they'd come to the Eugene market and do something really carnivorous right in the middle of the square. Now THAT would be funny. And kind of sick.

Courtney said...

Rachel I doubt I will ever feel the urge but if I do you will be the first person I call.