Over the weekend I finally got around to organising my bookcases. I've been wanting to do this for quite awhile now but it actually seemed like such a daunting task and so I kept putting it off. But thanks to Nemesis' latest post on bookcases I finally got myself moved into gear and I love the results. They are still a bit of a work in progress but here is where I am at right now:
I really need to get myself a nicer camera because these picture just don't do my bookcases justice (why is it that when I look at the pics on my computer they look much more clear than they look once I upload them to my blog?). The process of organizing the cases was actually a really interesting process that showed me a few things. I realized that at some point I must have gone through a David Brinkley phase because I have two of his books (books written by him about him); I have lost a couple of my Fforde books; I CLEARLY need more cookbooks (I mean the old-fashioned scale is cute but I don't think it quite works in a bookcase in my bedroom); I also need some taller books for the middle right shelf (and more books--how sad for me I need to go out and buy some more of my favorite books;)). Just in case you are wondering, the purple packages on the top right are indeed chocolate covered marshmallow eggs (I am a total sucker for chocolate covered marshmallows). Also at the top right is my space for library books because some of the best books I have read have belonged to the library but for the short time I am allowed to borrow them I like to pretend they are mine by giving them a spot in my bookcases.
So there they are. I love them. I would actually really like to copy this bookcase by Nemesis at some point. I am afraid of splitting up volumes of books that happen to be different colors but some day I will have a bookcase that looks like that.
(I am actually going to be using this as part of that clutter challenge that I was telling you about below)
You are so organized! You're bookcases look awesome! I went and saw the color coordinated ones and they look cool, but how do you find what you need?
I'm drooling. I'm quite certain that bookshelf envy is not an actual psychological condition, but if it is I may have it. I don't think a day goes by that I don't think about ways to save more money so that I can try to find a way to buy bookshelves. I drool over pottery barn catalogs and say to myself, "Bookshelves aren't too much to ask, really, are they? Stare at them idly for a few minuntes today, please. If I had them, I would spend the bulk of every day doing that very thing.
Looks great. I don't even have a bookshelf. We put our books on our entertainment center and in our hall closet, so sad. Josh collects older church books and it is fun to display some of them.
I do feel inspired to organize now, thanks.
Hey, check you out! That looks so cool. I think I might be ready to change out the color-coordinated ones. Don't get me wrong, I love them. But they take up ALL the bookcase space and I want to have room for some of my fun trinkets up there. Will be sure to post pictures!
Also? VERY good idea to have a separate spot for library and other "not yours" books.
Jen--I know. You would have to start buying books based on their color and not their content.
STM--I stare idly at them quite a bit. In fact, the amount of time I spend in my room just so I can be near them may be causing me to become dangerously anti-social.
Denise--My next challenge involves becoming organized.
Nem--Fun trinkets really are a must. Looking forward to your new photos.
Wow It looks so good! How long did it take you?
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